Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Moments of 2009

I was at lunch yesterday with two of my besties and we were talking about top moments of the year. Not really what they were, but people who do Christmas letters and how our own lives might be too uneventful for those kinds of letters, and one of the besties mentioned her desire to keep a top Moments of 2010 list - it's too late for 2009.

So I was thinking about it last night in my search for sleep. Did I have any really great moments this last year? (I know one of the besties favorites is a funny from my life - but in case it makes her list I won't share it here.)

Here are some of the *things* good, bad, and otherwise from 2009.

- I acquired two new nephews.
- My bro and his wife are expecting - thus another new niece or nephew in 2010.
- I went to a Mariner's game (and met 'the Man' - FIRE IN MY MOUTH).
- Went to I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell with one of the besties and met Tucker Max.
- I'm officially 5/6ths of the way through law school.
- Several friends got married.
- Spontaneous road trip to Forks.
- I tried for NaNoWriMo (even though I didn't make my 50k words, I made a decent dent).
- Worked for judge and as an attorney.
- I didn't lose any friends, in fact I might have gained a friend or two.
- I both started, and finished the year living 300 miles from my husband.
- My neighbors think I'm having an extramarital affair (which is bad *AND NOT TRUE*- but funny at the same time).
- I've read no where near the amount of books I read in 2008.
- I've been going to Yoga on a regular basis - and while I'm still quite unbalanced, I'm getting better.
- I put chains on my own car driving over the pass.
- I celebrated my birthday several times with several sets of friends.
- I had the worst final in the history of the world (gotta love law school).

And I'm ready to do it all again in 2010.

Ohhh and I got several things off my "To-Do list"

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Years as well!

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