Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home Again

I hate moving. I've moved 3 times in the last three years, and now I'm ready to be done for quite some time. I think the worst part is... well all of it. I hate packing, I hate carrying boxes, I hate unpacking.

The best part is when it's done. Right now, it's no where near done, in fact, when I finish this blog, I'm going to go upstairs and unpack my clothes, so I don't have to worry about finding clothes to wear every morning. Then I'm on to fixing up my office.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get into my kitchen.

Welcome Home Fat Girl - the real world sucks.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

One Week From Today...

I will be a law school graduate.

At times the last three years seems to have dragged on and on. But now, as the end is here, it feels like virtually no time has passed at all.

While I am excited to get home to my friends and my family, I will miss the new friends I have made. I didn't come to law school expecting to make new friends, well at least not ones I made life long bonds with... but that goes to show that one cannot predict the future.

This is a bittersweet time for me. I am so excited to be done, and happy to go home, and sad to leave my friends, all at the same time.