Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay.  I'm not Catholic. At all.  But going to private jesuit law school puts me around a lot of religious people.  So I've decided it's character building to give up something for lent. 

Last year it was soda.  (by the end of 40 days I really, really missed carbonation) 

This year, I've upped the ante.  I'm giving up coffee.  

so if you see me in the next 40 days, and I seem frazzled or annoyed, just remember, I'm lacking in coffee, and offer me something else caffinated (tea or soda) or something else hot to drink.  

let the count down begin, I can have coffee again on April 12...  

Monday, February 23, 2009

Another random couple things off the list

One of the random things on my list was to bake a pie (and this one may still be partially on the list... you be the judge)...
This last week I baked an apple pie.  I sliced all the apples and made the filling. so I think that counts... but to be technical, I didn't make the pie crust. does that still count as baking a pie? (I mean I didn't just buy one in the box and put it in the oven - therefore technically satisfying the "baking" part). 

The other random thing from this week was owning the Annotated Pride and Prejudice. I bought it this weekend (yay for tax refund), so that's off the list... but it sort of feels like a cheat, since the goal wasn't to read it, but just to own it. 

oh well. maybe 2 more off the list???

Friday, February 20, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic - a review

I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic today.  I was very curious about this movie, as I've read the whole series of books.  So here's the breakdown (for those that have read the books):

It's a combo of the first 3 books. 
Suze and Tarquie are already together (and their names are still Suze and Tarquie) - but there's no mention of them being cousins, and they're both American. 
Luke doesn't have his own company. 
Becky is American (her parents are played by Joan Cusack and John Goodman) 
Luke however is still British. (and delightfully played by Hugh Dancy)
It's set in New York 
(there are other spoilerish things that I won't share)
OHHH and best of all, there is an Alicia Bitch-Longlegs :) (But Bex and Suze don't know her from anywhere before the start of the movie)

oh, and this annoyed me: Becky is "the girl in the green scarf" instead of "the girl in the Denny and George scarf" which somehow has less zazz to me especially since it IS a Denny and George scarf. 

If you haven't read the books:

The movie makes sense anyhow, and even though the first three books are combined, you won't feel like you've missed something or time has moved too quickly.  (probably because you don't know what you're missing, but then you can always go back and read the books)

anyhow... totally worth 7.75 to see for me (matinee), but probably not 10.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Run A Mile - Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure

One of my goals is to run a mile.  another (which I've already completed, but wouldn't mind adding more to) is donating to charity.  

The Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure is going to be in Spokane in April.  There are two options, the 5k walk/run and the 1 mile walk/run.  Now I could do the 5k walk, no problem... but I know there's no way I can do a 5k run in 2 months. However, I bet I could run a mile in 2 months time if I started practicing now.   

So now I just have to figure out if i want to do it or not... I'll let you know.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two Down, About A Billion To Go...

1. I finally watched An Affair To Remember.  I've heard about this movie for years, and have seen many references to it in other films (namely Sleepless in Seattle)... now I've finally seen it.  It's a GREAT movie.  it's not as fast paced as movies that are made today, but it's so good.  So much is said with so little... you really want to root for Terri and Nicky to get together in the end. 

Yay one more thing off my list. 

2.  I donated to charity.  I'm not a stingy person, I just don't find a lot of charities that speak to me... but this year I donated to Go Red for women's heart disease.  This is a charity that is actually near and dear to my heart as one of my mother's dear friends is a spokesperson for the cause.  In addition to Go Red, I've donated plenty of extra household items to our local Value Village, but that is more for my convenience than theirs... so I didn't count that as my charity. :)  

Anyhow... happy Valentines day to all.  and if I keep it up at this rate, I should have no problem hitting my 50 items before I graduate!!! (too bad some of them are going to be much more difficult that watching a movie or donating... but I'm always up for a challenge)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A New Toy Makes It Easier To Get One Item Off The List

My cell phone died a couple of weeks ago.  Well not really died, but started a very slow and unrepairable death.  The charging port on the side of my Samsung Blackjack broke.  Therefore I could no longer charge it... thus the slow death.  Being as the Dear Husband (DH) and I live on cell phones alone, it was necessary to replace the phone immediately.  

DH has had an iPhone since they came out, and loves it more than life. (somedays I think the list goes: dog, iPhone, wife).  so while shopping, I looked at the iPhone, among others.  The upgrade to my existing phone, which I loved, was $299.00 with a $100.00 rebate.  The iPhone was $199.00 with no rebate.  Given that I hate the way cell phone companies do rebates (a gift card instead of a check) I opted for the iPhone.  LOVE IT!  I love making personal ringtones for people (or okay, having them made for me, thanks DH), I love the IM style text messaging, and I love having some of my favorite songs right there for my listening pleasure.  

Now, you may wonder, what does this have to do with my list.  One of the items on my list is "Watch An Affair To Remember," and I can store videos on my iPhone as well!  So voila, An Affair To Remember is now on my iPhone, and I can watch it when I'm stuck places (like the oil change place) or on long car trips, or airplane rides.  

I'll let you know how it goes, watching it on the tiny screen, and how I like the movie once I'm done... 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The End of the List...

I think I finally found the last three items for my list:

48 - Get motorcycle endorsement
49 - Go an entire month without buying a book
50 - Call or email a friend once a week

again all across the board.  I've been looking at the list, and there seems to be a few categories showing up:  personal growth (reading certain books, trying certain foods, lent, keeping in touch with friends), financial (a month without buying a book, savings goals, charitable donations) and events (travel to [place], see local hockey game, see local baseball game), and of course there were a few random bits thrown in (finally watch An Affair to Remember, write a fan letter, play Hotel California on expert in Guitar Hero).  So it should be an interesting 15 months.  

I think to not buy a book for a whole month I'll have to pick a month when nothing I want is coming out, and I'm too busy at school to read.  Maybe April. sadly, that will probably be one of the harder goals. But on an up note, I already emailed my friend for the week. 

As to that... I guess I probably sound like a really bad friend... wow this girl has to put it on a list to remember to call or email her friends? yikes.  That's not really the case, but I just find that I end up talking to my friends at home via facebook or text message sometimes, and I feel that I owe them more in depth conversations at times.  so we'll see how this goes. 

Friday, February 6, 2009

Goals of a Fat Girl

I know, I know. Most people assume the first goal on the list of a Fat Girl is "lose weight," and they're probably right. but this is another kind of goal list:  5o Things To Do Before Graduating Law School.  Instead of a new years resolution type list, this is a "One Of" list... things I feel I should do at least one... I won't list them all, because well, some of them are pretty lame, but here are a few:

- Run a Mile (very Fat Girl related)
- Learn how to make a Cosmo (marginally Fat Girl related)
- Read President Obama's books (not Fat Girl related at all)
- Ski at [a local ski resort] (I don't ski so this should be fun)
- Try Sushi (it's all mind over matter)
- Locate an old friend nearby
- Give up something for Lent (I'm not Catholic, but it's character building)

Anyhow, there's a random sample... I'm still short a few things... so if you have ideas, send them my way.  

I've managed not to put "lose X pounds" on the list, or "exercise every day" or "eat more salad" because those to me are more new years resolutiony things. 

actually, this blog is on the list.  Blog bi-weekly.  so if you don't hear from me every two weeks at least, you have my permission to send me angry comments. 

the deadline on this is my graduation next May.  Some of these will be easy, some not so much.  I'll keep you posted on my progress, and if I think of the last few things to add to the list I'll share those too. 

A Bit About the Fat Girl

I'm not sure really what to tell you about me.  I'm not huge, but big enough to be to considered a fat girl, at least in my own mind.  (Like I could lose 30 pounds  and not be considered "thin").

I'm 30. I'm married. I'm a student (half way done with law school). I love to read.  I have a pug. 

When it comes to personality, I'm not overly smart or funny, but I can hold my own in both areas... however, there's no way I can hold my own when it comes to pretty. Aside from being "fat," I'm just awkward.  

So why on earth should this random Fat Girl blog? I don't have much of interest to say... but I still thought I'd chronicle my adventures anyhow.  This started this summer with a tennis game.  Being horribly un-athletic I teased that tennis should be renamed "Fat Girl Chases Fuzzy Ball." And after that, I started thinking of things I was doing in that light. Fat Girl Rides a Bicycle - boy was my arse sore. Fat Girl Goes to an Amusement Park - will the rides close around me (yes).   So here goes my blog.  Some of it is Fat Girl stuff, some of it is every day stuff.