Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two Down, About A Billion To Go...

1. I finally watched An Affair To Remember.  I've heard about this movie for years, and have seen many references to it in other films (namely Sleepless in Seattle)... now I've finally seen it.  It's a GREAT movie.  it's not as fast paced as movies that are made today, but it's so good.  So much is said with so little... you really want to root for Terri and Nicky to get together in the end. 

Yay one more thing off my list. 

2.  I donated to charity.  I'm not a stingy person, I just don't find a lot of charities that speak to me... but this year I donated to Go Red for women's heart disease.  This is a charity that is actually near and dear to my heart as one of my mother's dear friends is a spokesperson for the cause.  In addition to Go Red, I've donated plenty of extra household items to our local Value Village, but that is more for my convenience than theirs... so I didn't count that as my charity. :)  

Anyhow... happy Valentines day to all.  and if I keep it up at this rate, I should have no problem hitting my 50 items before I graduate!!! (too bad some of them are going to be much more difficult that watching a movie or donating... but I'm always up for a challenge)

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