Thursday, April 23, 2009

countdown to countdowns

I have a lot things coming up, and therefore several mental countdowns going on, therefore I thought I'd share, instead of adding a couple of countdown clocks to the blog.

First: count down to a new book: 7 days (May 1st)
Second: count down to finals being done: 18 days (May 11th)
Third: count down to home for a visit: 20 days (May 13th)
Fourth: count down to new Stephanie Plum installment: 61 days (June 23rd)
Fifth: count down to new Diana Gabaldon book: 122 days (September 22nd) 
Sixth: count down to New Moon: too many days (November 20th)

so there you have it, up and coming fun things 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NNBM - Progress

well, I'm officially 8 days away from being able to buy a book. I am so excited I cannot wait. 
but I will tell you, I made it in and out of the book store to buy a gift and nothing more. (I was tempted to buy the gift of a specific book, then read it before giving it, but decided on a gift certificate instead) It was a difficult trip, but I was motivated by a friend who thought I would fail. 
what better motivation is there than proving someone else wrong?  (Is it sad that I think that is good motivation?)  

anyhow. 8 days. can't wait. going to go buy a book, sit in the cafe with a book and a latte and enjoy!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Vacation is for suckers.

That's right. I'm supposed to be on "vacation." Do you think that actually happens?  nope.

What is that? Everything goes on in my life when I'm supposed to relax.  instead I'm dealing with tenants try to move, a husband doing his own gig, evidence homework, and no cell signal.  WTF man.  but after finals I'm going to try this vacation thing again since I've got my summer sorted. No classes, just work!  so I'll feel like a real live grown up.  and have evenings and weekends (sort of) off. I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NNBM - put to the test

I'm 14 days into NNBM.  Almost half way through.  The problem is that I haven't ventured anywhere near a bookstore, so I haven't actually had to test my sense of resolve. However, a challenge has just arisen. The need for a birthday gift of the certificate variety.  Will I be able to go into a store, buy something for someone else and not come out with something for myself?

Additionally, one of my favorite field trips is Barnes and Noble with a cafe.  Get a new book, then go to the cafe, order a latte and enjoy the first couple chapters of the new book. I was really looking forward to that post Lent - but then I had to go and chose April to be NNBM - deprive myself of two things I love at once. Brilliant Fat Girl. Just Brilliant. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Coffee Day!

That's right!  Lent is officially over.  Unbeknownst to my dear husband, I am apparently like a small child, as at about 7:00 this morning I was wide awake, trying to get him out of bed for "Coffee Day."  He has since teased me about coffee being like my Christmas, to the point that he had to tell the staff at Starbucks that I gave up coffee for Lent. Which prompted the barista to say "Welcome Back," and additionally as we were leaving (after my lovely carmel machiato and a cinnamon roll) to comment to her coworker in an awed voice "that woman gave up coffee for lent!" 

So, I am very glad to welcome coffee back into my life, and the 'Pick of the Week' from Starbucks as well.  This week it was The Boxer Rebellion - Flashing Red Light Means Go, which is pretty good (unlike others which I have felt the urge to delete after only hearing once), and Diana Krall - Boy From Ipanema - which is just like Girl From Ipanema, with slight word modifications, and as much as I love Diana Krall, this one may have to go.  Ipanema gets stuck in my head like nobody's business... "tall and tan and young and lovely..."  I suppose I'll keep it for a while and we'll see what comes of it. 

Anyhow.  Happy Easter to all, and I hope those of you that gave up something for Lent are taking time today to enjoy it's return.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What the heck is wrong with me?

So far, No New Book Month (hereinafter referred to as NNBM) is going along swimmingly.  It's the 8th, and I haven't bought a book. (of course, I also haven't been to a bookstore, and when I was at Walmart, they didn't have the book I wanted, but still).  So you'd think that NNBM would be a great time to empty out my "To Read" shelf, but have I done that yet?  Not a chance.  

Instead I'm sucked into the online world of fan fiction.  That's right.  I said it.  Now I feel like a 12 year old girl, which is coincidently, the age of what seems to be the majority of the authors of this stuff.  Now, as you know from reading this blog, I'm not a writer.  I ramble, I phrase things awkwardly and my spelling is atrocious.  But honestly, some of these stories have the worst grammar I have ever seen in my entire life. I don't think these writers even read their work prior to posting it for the world to see.  

Yes, I know this makes me sound snobby and probably bitchy. But really, I just want to help.  So I thought about it, how can I help?  IDEA!  (picture Wile E. Coyote and the thought bubble) I can be a Beta Reader.  What is a beta reader? a person that reads the work before it's published and gives feed back.  I'm terrible with content.  I love long drivel describing the scene. But I am great with the grammar/punctuation pencil  [okay, okay, except the comma. I am the queen of the comma splice.].  I may write for crap myself, but I can fix other people's stuff.   So what's the problem with this? I can read other people's good ideas, and make it better.  Where do I sign up?  

Therein lies the problem.  Before one can be a beta reader, one must publish either a) five works of fan fiction OR b) one work of fan fiction longer than 6000 words, AND be a member of the site for 30 days. 

What's a girl to do?  Do I attempt to write 'fanfic?' Do I just accept reading other people's drivel that is full of great story lines but written so poorly that it can't be followed? Or do I go back to real live published books? 

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm going to go read a well written novel for a while until I figure it out. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Week From Today...

I will be sitting in Starbucks sipping a nice hot latte. 

that's right. Lent is almost over, and I've made it so far. not even coffee flavored chocolate... yay go me. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Damn Series Junky

One of my classic flaws as a reader is that I am a total series junky.  

I once said I should only read dead authors or completed series because I hate waiting for the next book. 

some of my favorites are:
Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Series
Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum Series
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series
J.A. Jance's J.P. Beaumont Series
J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series

I am a sucker for character development.  There are some series I read solely to find out what the characters are up to now, and how their personal relationship has progressed (Anne Perry's William Monk Series for one).  In addition to straight series (which I define as the same characters in every book), I adore cross over series (an ancillary character from book 1 is the main character in book 2, and book two gives the "what's happened since" to the main character from book 1).  
Some of my favorites of these include:
Emily Giffin (Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Baby Proof)
Rachel Gibson (Her hockey players and her writer friends)
Marian Keyes (The Walsh Girls) 
Susan Elizabeth Phillips (The Chicago Stars)
Carly Phillips (The Hot Zone) 
James Rollin (Sigma Force) 
Erin McCarthy (Vegas Vampires) 

I just love knowing what happens after the fact. 

so now, I'm sure you're asking, where the heck did this come from.  Yesterday, I finished Cassandra Clare's City of Bones - the first of a trilogy.  And now, of course, during no new books month (April) more than anything I want the next two books in this series so I can see how it all ends up. Damn you series junky... must you always want to know more? 

Yes, yes, I know, there is this little place called the library, but, by the time I get to the top of the line for the new book, it'll be at least May (book three came out last week).  

man.  somedays I really hate my nature.