Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Loathsome Songs

There are certain songs that just set me off. Maybe I shouldn't share this inside secret with you, in case you decide to use it against me... hrmmmm. Maybe I'll just keep out the song titles, since I'm on a rant...
There's probably one in every genre that sets me off. Of course there are also varying degrees of annoyance.

Level One Annoyance: Visual Grimace - not bad enough to request the song be changed, but I probably cringe.
Level Two Disgust: Physical Grimace - this is usually the type that I will request the song be changed nicely, or if it's under my own control the station will be changed or volume adjusted.
Level Three Abhorrence: Physical Control - this is about the time I DEMAND the song be changed, or forcibly change the song myself. (I have done this before in other people's cars) Should someone I know and love be singing this song, I will probably reach out and cover his or her mouth.
Level Four Hatred: Get the Freak Out - There is only ONE song that I can think of that makes this happen, but if I can't control my surroundings I can control myself. I have in fact left stores when this comes on in the overhead music. I will plug my ears and institute the 'la la la la la' loudly to block the sound. (Yes, it does become very childish)

So what brought this on this morning? My own iTunes collection. That's right - some of the songs I absolutely hate are in my own collection. I can't bring myself to delete them. It's not that I forget. I just don't do it. This morning it was only a level 2 song. I hit next when it came on (well about a minute in, as I wasn't paying attention and found myself singing along).

Am I crazy or what? Yeah. I thought so.

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