To make it interesting, I'll post the list here - then tell you exactly when I fail... you can see exactly how long it takes this fat girl to lose her resolve.
1. Read two non school book chapters per day (6 days per week) - Now for readers this doesn't sound like a lot, but in addition to legal text, it can sometimes be weeks between the time that I pick up actual books. I used to be really good at reading before bed, and lately I'm up too late and fall into a deep slumber before I can read. I also tend to read for fun in spurts. An entire book in two days (or less) then not at all for months. The main purpose behind this one is actually to help me get through some of my "must reads." (Must reads are the books that I feel people should read, myself included, but I still have a hard time getting through.) This is one sure fire way to make sure I actually get through Mansfield Park and Catch 22. [Caveat, I know things happen making every day a likely impossibility thus I have only set it for 6 days a week - I wonder if it's cheating to bank the extra days now so I can take a full week off in the future...]
2. Give up something for Lent - This year I'm giving up dessert type foods for Lent. In the past I've done coffee and soda, this year will be a real challenge, I'm sure I'll blog about it a lot when the time comes.
3. Go to the gym 4 times a week - this one starts out well and good, but real life gets in the way quickly. When I started my gym membership in September I went 5 or 6 days a week, for a month, without any problems, but then work got busy, school got busy, and I got sick... and by the end of the semester I was down to 1 or 2 days a week for yoga... my goal is to not let that happen, at least until finals season.
4. Learn to go with the flow - As you know, per my prior post, I'm a pretty uptight person when it comes to certain things. Mainly communication and plans, but sometimes random other things... my goal is to learn to let go a little bit, and not get so upset or frustrated when things don't go according to plan, or don't go at all.
5. Get more things off my Law School to do list. Somethings I know I won't finish (like getting my motorcycle endorsement - but that's a money thing) but there are still plenty of things I can do such as: Try Sushi, Read Northanger Abbey, Go To A Concert (MUSE w/Bestie can't wait), Make Tiramisu, Write A Fan Letter, Go To [name redacted] for Dancing, and Learn To Make A Cosmo.
6. Become more aware of the world around me - yep this one is the lame better myself one. I HATE the news. I find it sad and depressing. However, it is my goal in 2010 to force myself to read and or watch the news. I'm tired of never knowing what's going on, not in a personal sense, but in a social setting when I'm feeling like a fool because I have no clue what's going on. It's time to grow up and fix that. There are many necessary evils in life, and this is one of them.
Well I think that's all for now. These are the major ones, I'm sure are there several minor ones... but I haven't thought of those yet.