Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In Pursuit of the Dress - week two

Well - it has been determined that the dress I wanted to wear is in fact NOT FORMAL ENOUGH. (Great sadness). But on a weight-type note, this means that the formals that I currently own are actually slightly too big. (yay) So really I should be eating like a mad woman trying to gain enough weight to make the dresses fit. Instead, one of them is "close enough" and I will wear that... and keep going to the gym at way too early in the morning (Oh-dark-thirty is about right).

And I'm doing pretty good off the cheese as a snack, and off the coffee, at least all of last week... but now the coffee is back thanks to early morning basketball games which included coffee and doughnuts (and yes I did go nuts).

As to lent - still dessert free... and hating it. But less than two weeks!!!

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