Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello Pot, it's Kettle, you're black

(attribution where it's due - the title of my blog is from an episode of Friends)

I was at a birthday party last night, having a conversation with one of my besties about names, or rather terms of endearment. I realized this morning that I'm pretty hypocritical about them.
My husband calls me babe or baby, but nothing else... someone else (two of them actually) called me "honey" and I decided I don't really like that term. It feels condescending to me. "Aww Honey..." like that. Even if it's not said like that. It makes me feel... annoyed.

Now I have plenty of nick-type-names. Plays on my name and other random names from way back. Those don't bother me at all. But for some reason Honey does. And I realize that 'Darlin' is my endearment of choice, which is pretty damn similar to 'Honey' - so knowing how I feel about this, and that not all people feel the same way I do, if I call you Darlin' and it bugs you, please feel free to let me know.

And as a resolution update - I am currently letting someone else have the last word - it is very hard, but I am persevering. I've read two non-school books this year. But I've only been to the gym 3 times a week so far - I'm hoping to fix this next week when I'm back in a routine, and in one place for the entire week.

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