Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two items in one week...

Tuesday night I got "go to [name redacted]" (the local bar) and last night, in continuance of one of perpetual challenges (monthly date night with my husband), I got another "go to [specific restaurant]" off the list.  

Last night I actually got to go out to eat with my husband at a restaurant I've been wanting to try.  The food was decent, and the service was nice. I won't say "I can't wait to go back" but I also won't say "I'll never go back there." 

But, after the completion of these two things on my list this week, I'm officially 20% through with my list of 50 items.  Of course, most of the completed bits are the easy ones... but still 20% is 20% :) and there are several repeating challenges that I won't finish until the last week anyhow, such as:

bi-weekly blogging
a weekly walk with the dog
weekly correspondence with friends (via phone or email, not just facebook)
monthly date with my husband
monthly (small) contribution to savings

So I know the last 10% won't be completed until next May...  but we'll see how far we get on the remaining 70% :)

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