Sunday, March 1, 2009

5 Days Without Coffee (and counting)

So I haven't had coffee in 5 days.  Let me tell you what I've learned...

I added a countdown to coffee to my blog so I can see that there is an end out there.
Lent is actually 45 days. 
Sundays don't count - they are mini Easter's and therefore you can celebrate. (therefore I could actually have coffee on Sunday's if I wanted to)
Right now I'm going to try to stay off coffee the whole time, but if I have to, I might have A coffee on Sundays just for sanity's sake. 
It only really bothers me that I can't have coffee at 8 am when I don't want to be awake yet, and when my husband makes coffee at home and I have to smell it. 

Other than that... this is the week from hell.  I have a massive brief due (my entire grade in one class) and midterms in 2 other classes. YUCK.  But, after 4:00 on Thursday all will be well.  Spring break starts Friday (after my one morning class), and my in-laws are visiting for the weekend, then I'm headed to Seattle to visit friends. I can't wait!  But it just reminds me that you have to get through the bad to get to the good :)

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