Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1st!!! I made it - well sort of.

I made it through the entire month of April without purchasing a book!!!! I'm very proud, and I, of course, celebrated that fact by purchasing a book today.  Boy was it nice to buy a new book, buy a latte, and sit in Barnes and Noble and read for an hour or so. 
As for not making it, I didn't manage to read the news every day.  I'll try again in August.  

As for what's coming:
I have finals for the next two weeks, so if I seem to disappear, that's where I went.  After finals, I'm off to Seattle for a long weekend.  On the 18th I get to register for my fall semester 3L classes, and start my job working for a Judge.  
Memorial day weekend my in-laws are coming to visit.  
June 9th I have a give a lecture for my externship class (45 minutes of me leading discussion - complete and utter crap in my opinion, but I suppose one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it)
June 21st, I'm back in Seattle for the weekend.
June 29th, my Journal submission is due, if I decide to do it (International Law Journal)
then I get to focus on just work for the remainder of the summer.  I have a couple more visits to Seattle planned, and would like to plan some weekends where my friends from Seattle can come visit me, but we'll see how that goes. 
There's also the 4th of july in there... hopefully to be spent in Seattle... we'll see. 

anyhow... that's why news every day is waiting until August.  

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