Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things That Suck About Working Retail

Alright, while I look for my lawyer job, I've found a retail job. It gets me out of the house, and gets a little money in my pocket, but it also makes me want to pull my hair out.
So here are the top 5 things that make me crazy:
1. Working weekends in general and working on Black Friday (I start before 4 am!)
2. My commissioned coworkers who snap at me for talking to people (Please note: I am NOT trying to steal your sale, I will happily ring it up for you).
3. The same coworkers stealing MY sales!
4. The fact that I'm practically wearing all black all the time.
5. Wearing the same black loafers every day (I have yet to get to the point where tennis shoes and slacks is an option and high heels are completely out of the question).

Of course, there are some good things about my job. Aside from my coworkers being overly suspicious, they're generally pretty nice. My boss is pretty cool. I get a good discount. I'm learning a lot about various household appliances. And again, even though it's a pittance, I'm earning some money.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sticking Points As Sleep Aids

So, every so often (okay fine most of the time), when writing you run into a dead end. The story is moving along, and then you come to a point where you can't seem to move forward.
To me this usually indicates that I need to focus on something else for a while, then come back to it. This usually works, but I can't really do that for NaNo, I need to just try and write through it, which means writing something that's more drivel than usual.
Anyhow. So last night, I'm laying in bed, thinking about a point where I'm stuck... and before I can come to any sort of possible resolution, or way to reverse and restart, I'm sound asleep.
What does it say that my own story puts me to sleep?
Yeah. I thought so.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The NaNo Struggle

This year, the website for NaNo seems to have changed tactics. It now appears to be about reaching the daily goal - 1667 - instead of the monthly goal - 50,000. The end goal is still the same, and if you only met the daily goal you'd hit the end goal, but the problem I have is that sometimes my words rhyme slow and sometimes they rhyme quick. (Alright so that's Nice n' Smooth's words, but the principle applies).
Some days I'm on a roll and write 2000 words without issue and somedays 500 words is a struggle. Last year, as long as you were on track for the month, you were being successful. So if I wrote 2500 words on day one and 850 words on day two, I was still successful. Now, it seems to be removed to a daily level, so if I write 2500 words on day one, and 850 words on day two, I'm on target for the month, but day two is considered an unsuccessful day for not making it to 1667.
I'm not sure that I like this. I liked that I could write ahead and take a day off, and now I don't feel like I can. at least not so early in the game. Bummer.